Solar Writer
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Exciting birth-chart readings in easy-to-use Windows format reports you can sell or give with pride. Find out more below!
Solar Writer has insightful and comprehensive text written by qualified internationally-renowned astrologers, as well as accurate chart calculations by the creators of Solar Fire, Solar Maps and JigSaw.
The comprehensive reports are ideal for:
- professional astrologers
- beginners and student astrologers
- friends and family
- clients
- the general public
You can learn more about the wonders of modern and classical astrology, or simply produce reports for family, friends, and clients.
Features Include
- Customise the feel and look of your report.
You can choose the colour, font style and size of the headings and body text in each of the Solar Writer reports.
- Switch astrological titles on or off.
- Switch Illustrations on and off.
Beautiful colourful illustrations by artist Janet Bridgland are included in the Modern, Zodiac Child and Synastry report writers. These can be switched on and off as you prefer.
- Lookup places in the full ACS Atlas.
Solar Writer has the full ACS Atlas built-in. This includes more than 250,000 places with longitudes, latitudes and time zones.
- Option to include full explanation.
Each Solar Writer report includes text that explains some of the astrological placements or techniques. You can choose to include the full explanation or only the personalised report writer text.
- Preview and edit report before printing or emailing.
You can view and print reports as RTF files or PDF files. These can be emailed, and give you confidence that the recipient will see the report formatted exactly as you have created it.
- Toolbar Menu
Menu icons and toolbar options make selecting program options easier and quicker.
- Use Improved Chart Handing Features: Solar Writer now keeps a list of then ten most recently used chart files for quick re-selection, and includes a new Search All Chart Files option.
- Online support
Solar Writer automatically notifies you of any program updates. You can access technical help, make software suggestions, and register via email from the menu within Solar Writer.
Solar Writer v3 is available on USB, CD and as a downloadable version. If you own an older version of Solar Writer (such as v1 or v2) then you need to upgrade to the latest Solar Writer v3 at a cost of AU$75.
Requirements for Solar Writer:
- PC or compatible computer with Intel i3 processor (equivalent or greater)
- RAM: 1.5 GB of RAM or more recommended
- About 350 MB of disk space for a full installation
- A mouse pointing device
- VGA video resolution – HD (1280×720) or better is recommended
Solar Writer is designed for Windows only: version 10, 11.
Solar Writer will allow you to learn more about the wonders of modern and classical astrology, or simply produce reports for family, friends, and clients!
The Big Three
The Big Three (Sun. Moon and Ascendant) is designed to provide a short introduction to the Sun, Moon and Ascendant – three key personal points in the overall horoscope. You may already be aware of the traits of your Sun Sign, but what do your Moon and Ascendant signs add to the story?
Features include:
- An introduction to the Sun Sign
- Interpretations of the Sun in the Signs and Houses
- Individual talents according to the Sun Sign
- Relationships – how the Sun Sign expresses themselves in relationships
- Sun Sign Element
- Self-Care Tips – types of self-care that revive and support the personality according to the Sun Sign.
- Mindfulness – Strengths & Weaknesses according to the Sun Sign
- An introduction to the Moon Sign
- Interpretation of the Moon in the Signs & Houses
- Money Matters – how the Moon Sign influences the native’s journey and experience with money.
- Self-Care – nurturing the Moon Sign using aromatherapy.
- An introduction to the Ascendant Sign
- Interpretation of the Ascendant Sign & Element
- Purpose & Joy – achieving a sense of purpose and joy according to the Ascendant Sign
- Decan interpretation of the Ascendant
Features: Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson

- A brief introduction to the concepts of astrology.
- Life goals—the Sun and Jupiter in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, with easy-to-read introductions.
- Home—the Moon in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, with easy-to-read introduction.
- Education and communication—Mercury in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
- Relationships—Venus in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
- Motivation—Mars in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
- Career—Saturn in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, and the Midheaven with introduction.
- Creativity and originality—Uranus and Neptune in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
- Challenges in life—Pluto in the signs, uses with introduction.
- Purpose and joy—The Ascendant in the signs and houses with introduction.
- Conclusion—This report has been written so that it can be easily understood by astrologers and the general public.
- The astrological section headers can be switched on and off for easy reading. And if you have your own preferences then you can edit the text yourself.
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Jenny K Barnes
Customer Comments:
“The modern version of Solar Report Writer is great for clients and those folks who are curious about their charts and want that ‘first time look’ to see what it is all about. It is easy to understand and will not scare away the novice. For students of astrology it gives you a clear indication of how a chart should be read for a client. I can highly recommend this program. Stephanie has done a great job.” — Carol A Wiggers, Horary Practitioner Diploma Course JustUS & Associates Publishing.
“Perfect for those astrologers who are not report writers or word processing experts but who would like to add personalised information specific for the client.” — Alice Kashuba
Pages: approximately 26 pages
Available in other language: Norwegian

Our Solar Writer Dynamic aims to help in this process. This report writer outlines the major transits occurring in a person’s life. Suitable as a monthly or yearly planner, you can use this report to study the transits and produce customised reports for clients, family and friends.
Features include:
- A simple and attractive layout of individual transits.
- Time period: The software is set as a yearly transit planner but you can choose your own time period in months or years. You can also choose your own time zone.
- Interpretations have been written to cover the all-important outer planetary transits and major aspects. Interpretations are included for transiting Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron to the Ascendant, Midheaven, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron and Nodes.
- Selectable aspects: A set of aspects has been selected to automatically apply. These include conjunctions, oppositions, squares and trines. You can also choose to add semi-square, sextiles, sesqui-squares and quincunxes.
- Editable text: You can edit the existing text or add your own interpretations for additional transiting or radix points or aspects.
- Graphic Timeline: Now you can see when transits exactly enter and leave at a glance!
- Editable
The report lists delineations of transit aspects from the transiting planets to the natal planets showing the exact dates and the period from entering to leaving orb. Any events that are not exact within the report period, but whose orb overlaps with the report period, are included. And you can choose your entering and leaving orb.
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 16 pages
Available in other language: Norwegian

Features includes:
- A brief introduction to the concepts of synastry astrology.
- Individual Relating Traits—Venus in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, with easy-to-read introductions.
- Three sections of synastry between two people’s charts including Personal Issues, Primary Forces and Generational Values.
- Synastry interpretations include soft and hard aspects between the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and the North Node.
- You can edit the text to suit your own preferences and observations.
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 17 pages
Available in other language: Norwegian
Zodiac Child

The journey from babyhood to adulthood is full of joys and challenges. This report is intended to help parents and mentors to support and encourage their children through the difficult times and to provide them with as much love and joy as possible.
The report includes:
- Family and Friends: interpretations for the Moon and Venus in the signs and houses.
- Talents and Schooling: interpretations for the Sun and Mercury in the signs and houses.
- Goals: interpretations for the Ascendant and Mars in the sign and houses.
- Childhood Journey: interpretations of hard and soft aspects from Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Jenny K Barnes
Customer Comments:
Maggie Meister says, “Finally, a computer report writer geared towards the fine sensibilities of the young child. Careful around the unformed, raw personality, this report points up the areas in the child’s life likely to play a role in the development and formation of character.”
Pages: approximately 15 pages
Available in other language: Norwegian, Spanish
Solar Returns

This annual forecast report includes;
- An Introduction to Solar Returns explaining the concept of an annual forecast birthday chart.
- This Year’s Major Theme (The Ascendant, Sun in House, Sun Ruling House, Aspects to Sun).
- This Year’s Personal Matters (Moon in House, Moon in Sign, Aspects to Moon, Venus in House, Venus in Sign, Aspects to Venue).
- This Year’s Challenges (Mars in House, Aspects to Mars, Uranus in House, Pluto in House).
- This Year’s Lessons (Mercury in House, Mercury in Sign, Aspects to Mercury, Jupiter in House, Aspects to Jupiter, Saturn in House, Aspects to Saturn).
- This Year’s Journey (Neptune in House, Aspects to North Node).
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Customer Comments:
“Thank you for sending the Solar Return Report. I have read it and found many points that are so right on that I wonder if you have been following me around all year!” – Stephanie Clement, AFA President
“Beautifully written report, with lots of content to think about!” – Linda Layton, Astrologer
“Thank you. I did find the report to be very comprehensive and very reflective of my experience for the year so far’ – Dy Cooke, Astrologer
“I love your writing, your products and the heart you put into them. The report looks and reads brilliantly, it’s wonderful advice and the artwork is lovely – a great addendum to our Solar Fire toolbox!” – Lynda Hill, Astrologer
Pages: approximately 20 pages
Available in other language: Norwegian
Lunar Returns

This report includes:
- An Introduction to Lunar Returns explaining the concept of a monthly forecast chart.
- Your Temperament during the Month (Moon in House, Aspects to Moon).
- Your Emotional Satisfaction during the Month (the Ascendant).
- Turning Points during the Month (Angular Planets – you can set the orbs)
- Your Vitality during the Month (Sun in House, Sun in Sign, Aspects to Sun)
- Your Communication Needs during the month (Mercury in House)
- Your Drive and Determination during the month (Mars in House, Saturn in House)
- Your Social Needs during the month (Venus in House, Jupiter in House)
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 16 pages
Star Matchmaker

Star Matchmaker is a unique relationship report based on the work of Sepharial. This report is aimed at those who would like to consider a relationship from the point of view of marriage viability. Interpretations are written and scores given for different marriage indicators in two people’s charts. Planets in the 7th House of each person are analysed, as well as each person’s synastry between the Sun and Moon for compatibility, and Venus and Mars for sexual attraction.
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 15 pages
Available in other language: Norwegian
My Pets

This short and beautifully illustrated report outlines your pet’s personality, health and lifestyle needs and suitable owners including interpretations of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Sign. You do not need to know the exact time of birth for your beloved pet.
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Jenny K Barnes
Pages: approximately 10 pages

The report includes:
- Introduction
- Home and Family: The Moon and Aspects to the Moon
- Your Family Environment: Ruler of the 4th House and Aspects to the Ruler
- Your Family’s Nature: Planets in the 4th House and Aspects to the Planets in the 4th
- Conclusion
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Jenny K Barnes
Pages: approximately 13 pages

The report contains:
- An Insightful Introduction to Goddess Mythology.
- The Mythology of each of the 12 Asteroid Goddess.
- Ceres: The Earth Mother in the houses and signs.
- Pallas Athene: The Wisdom of the Warrior in the houses and signs.
- Juno: Socialising the Soul in the houses and the signs.
- Vesta: The Inner Life in the houses and signs.
- Hygieia: The Soul of Health in the houses and signs.
- Ariadne: The Labyrinth of the Soul in the houses and signs.
- Europa: The Soul of the Earth in the houses and signs.
- Pandora: A Gift of Hope in the houses and signs.
- Mnemosyne: The Soul of Memory in the houses and signs.
- Hecate: The Soul in Transition in the houses and signs.
- Cassandra: The Prophetic Soul in the houses and signs.
- Medea: Herbalist and Healer in the houses and signs.
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson and Brian Clark
Illustrator: Kay Steventon
Customer Comments:
“I think the Goddess report is brilliant. It serves to take a chart reading to a much deeper level than the conventional delineation of planets. It confirmed things for me, that I know about myself, but couldn’t explain through planetary positions and aspects alone.” – Elizabeth MacGregor, Astrologer and Counsellor
Pages: approximately 45 pages

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Aristotle said this centuries ago. It still holds true, particularly when it comes to two people. There may be just two people in a relationship, but relationships take on a life of their own. Astrologers have a technique for just such a scenario. It is called the Composite Chart and this report outlines the essence of a relationship of two people. The Composite report aims to help two individuals ignite the possibilities of their relationship. It’s also true that not every relationship is a positive one, much as this might be the wish. The Composite Chart can shed light on the true nature of each relationship.
Features include:
- A brief introduction to the concepts of Composite astrology.
- The Heart of Your Relationship —The Sun in the Houses and with Aspects,
- The Soul of Your Relationship – The Moon in the Houses, and with Aspects
- Communing and Conversing – Mercury in the Houses and with Aspects
- Love and Desires – Venus and Mars in the Houses and with Aspects
- Growth and Commitment – Jupiter and Saturn in the Houses and with Aspects
- Influences – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the Houses and with Aspects
- Destiny and Opportunities – Chiron and the Nodes in the Houses and with Aspects
- You can edit the text to suit your own preferences and observations.
- Editable
- Composite Midpoint and Davison Chart method available
Authors: Stephanie Johnson and Brian Clark
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 25 pages

Solar Writer Money is a unique and original report that highlights the riches inherent in a Birth Chart. It highlights some of the indicators in your horoscope that point to your inborn relationship with money. How do you feel rich? What do you need in your life that is of true worth? Also are you able to attract material wealth if it is indeed important to you?
The report includes:
- Your Money Temperament (Sun, Moon and Ascendant in Signs).
- Your Relationship with Money (Venus in Signs).
- Your Personal Income (2nd House Cusp Signs and Rulers, 2nd House Planets).
- Your Shared Income (8th House Cusp Signs and Rulers, 8th House Planets).
- Your Fortune (Part of Fortune in Signs and Houses).
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Johnson and Brian Clark
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 21 pages
Kindred Spirit

The reports contains:
- An Introduction to Kindred Spirits.
- Lunar Legacies: In the Beginning was Family (the Moon in the Signs, Aspects to the Moon and planets in the 4th House).
- Primary Patterns of Relationship (Sign on the 3rd House Cusp, Planets in the 3rd House).
- Friends, Acquaintances and Colleagues (Signs on the 11th House Cusp, Planets in the 11th House).
- Equality and Partnership (Signs on the 7th House Cusp, Planets in the 7th House).
- Pleasure, Passion and Love (Venus and Mars in the Signs).
- Crossing Paths (Nodes in the Houses).
- Editable
Author: Brian Clark
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 27 pages
Solar Writer Vocation provides an in-depth insight into the soul’s expression through career. It provides an astrological consideration of your vocational potentialities and to help you, and anyone who reads this report, to reflect on a fulfilling career path.
The report contains:
- An Introduction to Vocation.
- Vocation and Destiny: The Lunar Nodes.
- Vocation and Direction: The Ascendant and Angular Planets.
- Vocation and Character: The Sun and Moon.
- Income: The 2nd House Cusp and Planets in the 2nd House.
- Work: The 6th House Cusp and Planets in the 6th House.
- Profession: The Midheaven and Planets in the 10th House, Planets conjunct and opposite the Midheaven.
- Editable
Author: Brian Clark
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Customer Comments:
“The writing throughout the report is extremely inspiring and profound and certainly motivates one to take a deeper look at their life and career purposes….. All in all, it was such a treat! As a professional, it is harder to find material that excites me or teaches me something new but your report succeeded in all ways.” US Astrologer Patrice Kamins
“This report gives me plenty of food for thought. It actually calls for a more contemplative engagement and response rather that a quick fix. In the end, our vocation journey is about self-knowledge and awareness. It certainly gives that in spades.” Maggie, Marketing.
Pages: approximately 21 pages

The report contains:
- An Introduction to Adolescence.
- Childhood – The Moon in the Signs, Aspects to the Moon.
- Adolescence: The Sun in the Signs, Aspects to the Sun.
- Relating to Others: The Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Aspects to Venus, Mars, Aspects to Mars.
- Growth: Jupiter in the Signs, Aspects to Jupiter, General Transits of Jupiter to age 24.
- Understanding: Saturn in the Signs, Aspects to Saturn, General Transits of Saturn to age 29, Uranus in the Signs, Neptune in the Signs, Pluto in the Signs, Chiron in the Signs.
- Conclusion.
- Editable
Author: Alex Trenoweth
Illustrator: Jenny K Barnes
Customer Comments:
“This report is a great tool to help parents to understand potential problems and to be ready with the support that is needed. It is easily formatted to read for teenagers to gain better understanding and self-acceptance.” Narelle, parent.
Pages: approximately 18 pages

With an emphasis on Neptune in the chart, this report includes:
- An Introduction to Angels in Astrology.
- Angels of the Cardinal Directions.
- Your Most Powerful Angelic Connections (Neptune in Sign, House and Decanate).
- Angels in Your Daily Life (The Ascendant, Midheaven, Neptune Ruled House and Sun Sign).
- Interacting with Angels (Neptune Aspects including Conjunctions, Oppositions, Squares, Trines, Sextiles, Semi-sextiles, Semi-squares, Sesqui-squares, Inconjunct and Quintiles).
- Glossary – Order of Angels and other Angelic information.
- Editable
Author: Stephanie Clement
Illustrations: Kay Steventon
Pages: approximately 22 pages
Health and Wellbeing

The report contains:
- Your General Temperament: Balance of Elements and Modes.
- Your Emotional Health: Moon in the signs.
- Your Spiritual Essence: Sun in the signs.
- Your Vitality, the Life Force: Sun in the houses.
- Managing the Physical Demands of Living: Aspects to the Sun.
- Your Physical Body and Energy: The Ascendant.
- Strengths and Sensitivities: Planets in the 1st House.
- Inner Needs and Outer Experiences, Finding Balance: Ruler of the Ascendant, Plus Aspects to the Ascendant Plus Aspects of the Ruler of The Ascendant.
- Work and Health, Managing the Impact of Stress: Planets in the 6th House Plus Ruler of the 6th House.
- Limiting the Impact of Chronic Stress: Planets Aspecting the 6th House cusp.
- Physical Energy and Exercise: Mars in the signs and houses.
- Healing Solutions: Chiron in the signs and houses.
- Key parts of the body.
- Editable
Author: Michele Finey
Illustrations: Kay Steventon
Customer Comments:
“I thoroughly loved reading my Health and Wellbeing Report. It was very accurate in regards to my temperament; in fact it was like reading my own life’s biography. It clarified for me those areas in my life that I have been trying to understand. It confirmed what I had always thought to be true and revealed ways to improve my life and health. Amazing!!” – Dianne Horvath, Chinese Medicine Practitioner.
Pages: approximately 25 pages

It contains:
- An Introduction to Chiron and its meaning
- Doorways to Understanding – Chiron in Sign
- Where it Began – Chiron in House
- Conquering Dragons – Chiron Aspects
- Conclusion
- Editable
Author: Zane B Stein
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 11 pages

This report writer is an ideal introduction to the concepts of Classical Astrology or for research on the application of Classical techniques in a birth chart. The report is recommended for professional astrologers rather than for client work.
World-renowned author J Lee Lehman has created something unique based on her wealth of experience in both modern and classical astrology techniques.
Classical Astrology is forthright and explicit; some may say blunt. The method of analysis may be shocking or even disturbing to the Modern Astrologer, who is used to toning down any negative tendency encountered in a chart. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to provoke a reexamination by the Astrological Consultant of just how the life will function if the Native does not take conscious control of the energies presented by the chart. This report writer is a teaching report, both to demonstrate classical technique, as well as to remind the Modern Astrologer of what the raw thrust of the chart actually shows.
The comprehensive reports are ideal for:
- Dignities and Debilities.
- The Affairs of the House.
- Planets in Signs.
- Sign of the Ascendant Ruler.
- Ascendant’s Almuten or Ruler.
- Ruler of the Geniture.
- Health—6th House.
- Length of Life—Alcocoden.
- Aspects, Faces and more.
Each report includes optional general explanations of techniques used and glossary of terms.
Solar Writer Classical also features a unique report introducing the Humours with your own complexion scores, ruler of the geniture as well as a general introduction.
Author: J Lee Lehman
Pages: approximately 49 pages

This is a specialist report and cannot be edited.
Never seen before, this creative report writer program works exclusively from an event chart enabling an astrologer to ask a horary question or erect a chart for the onset of an illness and then print an interpretations report.
Solar Medicus is designed to give the modern astrologer the ancient medical teachings with minimal embellishment. This unique tool provides the astrologer with the teachings of multiple medical astrologers, including classical medical astrologers Nicholas Culpeper and Richard Saunders, in a fashion accessible to modern astrological technique. This distinctive report writer uses a database of over 1,400 statements and aphorisms (with citations) to extract those applicable to a single horary or event chart. The report generates works from the event or horary chart exclusively; it does not compare this chart to the nativity.
The citations are often exact quotations, but the compiler, Dr. J. Lee Lehman, has added commentary to explain archaic terminology and to update the anatomical references. The report is designed to provide the astrologer with the exact astrological indicators used, to facilitate further astrological study and delineation.
Dr Lehman says: “Traditional medical astrology has consisted of both a general theory, and a lot of specific case histories. Unfortunately, the general theory has seldom been enunciated as such, but rather, has been presented mostly piecemeal, with the reader left to draw out the theory behind the method from a staggering quantity of case studies and aphorisms. More than most forms of classical astrology, this material has been extremely difficult for the modern mind to grasp, because the presentation is so alien. Yet medical astrology is precisely the type of subject matter that the modern astrologer needs to be able to work effectively with clients throughout their various life crises.”
This specialist report writer is an ideal introduction to the concepts of Classical Astrology or for research on the application of Classical techniques in a birth chart. The non-editable text is recommended for professional astrologers rather than for client work.
Author: J Lee Lehman
Pages: approximately 35 pages
Fixed Stars

This is a specialist report and cannot be edited.
This report writer is an ideal introduction to the concepts of Fixed Stars or for research of Fixed Stars in a chart. Study the transits of yourself, friends, family and celebrities, great to sell to clients or give as a gift.
This report includes:
- An introduction to the use of fixed stars in astrological interpretation.
- Explanation of the use of Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs.
- Your Stars: Interpretations of the stars in your birth chart listed in zodiacal order. The placement of each star and celestial object is described within its constellation, and includes a description of each planet and chart point as well as new insights and interpretations of each starset’s nature, strengths and relevance to your birth chart along with physical and psychological manifestations.
- Examples of famous people who share the same planet and chart point stars.
- Points include Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, North Node, South Node, the Ascendant and Midheaven.
- All stars and deep space objects have been converted from right ascension and declination projected perpendicularly onto the ecliptic and expressed as celestial longitude.
- Every degree of the zodiac is covered and every named star is given, as well as prominent DSO’s (deep-space objects) such as galaxies, black holes, nebulae, historical supernovae, as well as major determinant stars of Hindu, Chinese and Arabic Lunar mansions.
Author: Diana K Rosenberg
Illustrator: Elijah H Burritt
Pages: approximately 33 pages